Thursday, 13 December 2012


Welcome to my new blog :o) fingers crossed I will be more productive with this one than with previous ones... The reason for this blog is that I have a 10 year plan... Of sorts... I am aiming to save £20k in 10 years or less if possible, 5 years ish would be better. I want to buy a home in Sweden and run it as a holiday home. Whether this happens or not, I don't know, but either way I want to save this money and live a "better" lifestyle. I don't mean lobster and caviar dinners or anything like that, I mean better in a more natural sense of the word maybe. Making most, if not all, meals from scratch spending as little as possible on the ingredients. Also I would like to reduce, reuse and recycle more. I want to get rid of the unnecessary clutter that is my home everywhere I look and live more simply and how I feel life should be. There are loads of people with a lot less but are a lot happier. This is what I aim to live like. My ideal life would be of total freedom, living off grid, providing my own energy, my own food and not needing money at all. I think that would be rather hard to do so I have to compromise somewhat and make the best of a "bad" situation. Besides, I'm quite attached to my creature comforts of running water and a flushing loo!  Oh, and not forgetting the wonderful internet and Sky+. Telephones, oh yes I could sooo do without them lol!

Within this 10 years time span, I must admit I will have family holidays. We had our first one together this summer as my Dad sadly passed away and left a little money so I was determind to give my daughter her first holiday abroad and our first holiday as a family. Needless to say we have the bug for it now! A trip is planned for February to the beautiful Sweden to (hopefully) see the Northern Lights in all its beauty. I also am collecting the weekly magazine / part works of Crochet and Quilting and I don't plan to stop this. I don't smoke and rarely drink, so this is my little vice at the moment :-p and it will also teach me skills and give me hobbies rather than going shopping or spending money elsewhere on a whim. Who knows, I might even end up making money from it one day :o)

I want to keep a note of my spenditure so here it will be :o) I have also taken over my fiance's finances as he's terrible with money and we need to get him sorted out!! The credit card has been taken away and I intend on making sure all his bills etc are paid on time and that we still manage to eat healthily and heartily but on a strict budget. It's a bit silly to start now, just before christmas, but I'm using it as a practice run of sorts and to get me in the swing of it before the new year when the real pressure starts! Eeek!

Wish me luck!! :o) x

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