Saturday 2 February 2013

Life Is Strange

I just watched Coyote Ugly, I'd seen it before - I have the dvd somewhere, or is it on video?! But as I hadn't seen it for years and it was on tv, I thought I'd watch it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was great to see a young Piper Perabo and Adam Garcia. What I didn't expect to see was Tyra Banks and Erin from Blue Bloods dancing on the bar! It's so bizarre when that happens. You have someone come into your life on a regular basis and then you realise you had already met them many years earlier! (Figuratively speaking of course, lol). It was great to see the old 90s fashion, I'm a 90s girl, born in 1981 so my years of shaping were the 90s. It's so strange, you never think that the fashion or technology you currently have will look so odd in just a few years time. Videos were great until dvds showed up with a clearer picture. I'm wondering what we will think of skinny jeans and floppy fringes in 10-15 years time. And what will be the current fashion then? I love to see tv or films made 10-20 years ago and it's set in our current year with what they think life and fashion would be like. We still don't have flying cars and we don't tend to wear silver clothing. I am noticing tho, that the portrayal of our future life is looking darker and more grim than the technological Jetsons type of scenario. I guess that's what happens when you, as a planet, start to worry about global warming, over population, nuclear issues etc. Technology still plays a part but it doesn't seem as carefree as previous portrayals. I will be very interested to see what the future will really be like.

Hmmm not so much of a frugal tip, but perhaps a philosophical frugal tip?
The future is not always what you expect it to be. You may have it all right now, a nice car, great job, great house etc etc but it could all change and your future could be the complete opposite. Do something now to ensure you can cope should things change. Start saving a little every week or month. Learn the skills needed should you find yourself on your own. Learn to cook, sew, clean, car maintenance. Anything you think could be necessary if you couldn't rely on someone else to do it. If  your money suddenly took a drastic cut and you had to feed a family of 4 on £20 a week instead of £50, could you do it? Should this happen, it would be so much easier and less worrying if you already had a stock of recipes to work from, knowing how to choose the items of best value and price rather than sticking to brand names etc.

We never know what is around the corner, life is strange, anything can happen. We need to be prepared for any eventuality. What's the saying... Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. It's a bit doomsday-ish I admit and perhaps we don't have to go quite to them extremes, but I do believe in knowledge being a power to be kept in reserve for a just in case situation. I think I will start to learn some first aid. What are the chances of someone knowing what to do in an emergency situation? I think it should be taught at school.

Anyway, enough of my wierdness for one night! I'm off to bed to study some Swedish :o)

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