Friday 1 February 2013

Swedish Bedtime Reading

Not very frugal unless you take into account that the Hugo's Swedish in 3 Months book I'm studying from was second hand from ebay or Amazon but it's what's going on at the mo'. I have been studying in bed before I turn the light off and it's great to know that I still remember stuff and that the stuff that slipped out of my brain is coming back in and staying there :o)

I only have a couple of hours worth of stitching to do and so I will send that off on Monday worked into a trip into town to get the bits and pieces previously mentioned.

Not spent a penny today which is awesome :oD and we're having chicken noodle soup made from the carcass tonight for dinner - smells gooood!! Mike even munched away on the carrots that were added for flavour and nutrition, so even they weren't wasted lol. I didn't see him go for the onion so I think that made it's way to the scraps bin lol.

Had to tape up my laptop today... A bit of the corner had broken off! Eeek! But it was found and taped back into place until I cba to glue it back on. My poor baby, he's had good innings and I hope he lasts a lot longer. He has already had his screen replaced just before the manufacturers warranty ran out and he's started flickering again. Fingers crossed he'll be ok.

Frugal Tip Du Jour (no idea on the number lol)

Use things until they wear out rather than replacing them. Use it until you can't use it no longer, if you can fix it, fix it so it will last longer. Make the most out of everything :o)

Hugs xx

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