Friday 25 January 2013

Frugal Tip #25

Nearly forgot lol!

#25 - Homemade Washing Powder

Something which we saw on SuperScrimpers and looking to give it a go :o)

1 Bar of vegetable oil based soap
Soda crystals
Essential oil

1 pint water

Boil 1 pint of water
Grate soap and put into the boiling water
Once melted turn off heat
Measure out 150ml of soda crystals top up with water to 1 pint
Put into saucepan and mix
Add 20 drops of essential oil
When it looks like risotto put into a jar
Put about 1/2 cup full into the drum of your machine
            (the woman used a hairspray lid for this but if you use your baking measuring cups you can find out how much 1/2 a cup is and try lids, containers etc to work out the same quantity)

If you've tried this or have other methods of making it, please do let me know :o) I would love to read your recipes and experiences. Also, what's your favourite scent to use? The woman on tv used lemon...

Hugs xx

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